About the Press

While I’ve been using a Pocket Press since 2010, it didn’t occur to me to make my DIY press for print makers until 2015. Since then, my Pocket Press has appeared in magazines, changed names, designs, colors and materials, and it has been shipped all around the world. In all this time, I’ve had no returns. I have been able to help to resolve any issue through email, video or photos. The Pocket Press works a little differently than the presses at the print lab. Instead of using a large roller and setting the pressure, the Pocket Press uses a small roller and the print maker adjusts the pressure by exerting more or less personal force on the rollers. Most DIY press options can only press a print a few inches wide, however, the Pocket Press can press prints of any width. It has the unique ability to print in overlapping rows. This DIY press can print both intaglio, relief and monoprints. I’ve used it to print acid etched plates, hand etched plates, monotypes, linocuts, woodcuts, collagraphs, vintage and polymer letterpress plates and more.
In the Press
Pressing Matters Magazine Issue One
Creative Bloq Gift Ideas for Graphic Designers
About the Maker

Hi, I’m Diana Kohne, a painter and printmaker in Pasadena, California. My printmaking focuses on infrastructure and has been exhibited nationally in shows like the International Survey of Printmaking at the Firehouse Gallery in Baton Rouge and “Tracing Lines” at the Ohio State University Urban Arts Space, where I also had the pleasure of teaching my printmaking workshop. I’ve had print tables in art and craft shows from Anaheim to Venice Beach. I’ve exclusively used the Pocket Print Press setup for more than a decade. I never did see the need to invest in a floor or tabletop print press. In October 2015 it occurred to me to make my press design available to fellow printmakers. This is a site to showcase my printmaking and sell my handheld presses to fellow print makers. Each press is handmade by me. I’m shown here with my paintings. You can learn more about them and me at dianakohne.com.