
Customer Art and Testimonials


printmaking press reviews

I am a printmaker from Wisconsin and this Magic platen is built really well, the portability of it is fantastic for all you movers and shakers, and the way it is painted with this rubbery kind of paint on it does a great job ensuring that your printing materials stay put during the process. Buy this item, and you will be happy you did! – Megan Melonas


printmaking press reviews

This was all thanks to the lil’ cricket press, works great. I have tested it on a plexi plate and an old zinc plate and it prints great on stonehenge paper with 5 minute Soak. Love this lil’ buddy for allowing me to expand my range affordably!Eric Cuevas


printmaking press reviews

Testing the Cricket Palm Press on a vintage letterpress block that was a X’mas present from friends! Works a treat (press and block)! – Charis Tsang

 See my 100% 5 star reviews in my Etsy Shop:

screen shot showing 5 star printing press review